Are you having difficulties with your Boston Terrier that are leading you to consider giving the dog away? Before you make that decision, we would like to help you find solutions that will allow you to keep your dog as a member of your family. While we can’t guarantee miracles, we do have extensive experience in dealing with a multitude of issues and can certainly offer suggestions and alternatives to giving up your dog.
We understand that sometimes despite your best efforts it is necessary to surrender your Boston. People move, become ill or are no longer able to care for the needs of a Boston Terrier. Sometimes the best solution is for Arizona Boston Terrier Rescue to take the dog and find a new home.
Arizona Boston Terrier Rescue will take in Boston Terriers being surrendered by their owners on a space available basis. Please understand that because we do not have unlimited resources, it's necessary for us to prioritize the dogs we take into rescue. Dogs coming from a shelter, where they are in danger of being euthanized are given first and top priority. Next are dogs in need of immediate health care that their owners cannot provide. We then consider other dogs.
If you have arrived at the conclusion that there is no other solution than to relinquish your dog to rescue, the first step is to fill out an online surrender form and also email a full body photo of your Boston Terrier to intake@azbtrescue.org.
--Click here to access the online Owner Surrender Form
--If you are a shelter or representative from another rescue group, click here to access the online Rescue Transfer-Surrender Form
--If you are surrendering a found Boston Terrier, click here to access the online Found Dog Surrender Form
If you are unable to submit a surrender form online, or if you have questions about the surrender process, please feel free to call the intake coordinator at
Once we have received and reviewed the surrender information and photo, our intake coordinator will contact you to discuss the surrender of your Boston.
Please gather together anything that belongs to the dog. Its collar, leash, crate, bowl, bedding, and toys, and a quart size bag of dog food will ease the dog’s transition into foster care. We try to make the dog as comfortable as possible as it leaves one home and joins another.
Gather any medical records you have for the dog before you meet an AZBTR Volunteer to surrender. Vaccination and license paperwork is very helpful because it will allow us to avoid unnecessary duplicate vaccinations if the dog is up to date.
At the time you surrender the dog to us you will be asked to sign an owner relinquish agreement, giving Arizona Boston Terrier Rescue ownership of the dog. Please be sure you want to surrender your Boston before you sign the agreement and give us the dog. Your signature represents a permanent decision on your part.
Please understand that we consider adoptions through our organization to be closed, meaning that we do not reveal the identities of either the surrendering or adopting parties. Your privacy will be protected. While we stay in contact with the families who adopt Bostons through our rescue to make sure everything is going well, we do not stay in touch with families that surrender dogs to us.